Welcome to Girls Tattoo Designs

While men tattoos are often chosen on the day, girl tattoos are usually thought over long and hard. A girl with tattoos is a symbol of her confident They are also strong for their size and have lots of stamina. Girls with some of these traits will find themselves drawn to choosing Best tattoos. Its not only the design choice that can represent a girls character. The positioning is also important when it comes to girl tattoos. A day dreamer and romantic will often wear her tattoo on the shoulder.

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Japanese Tattoo Writing Tattoo Design

In 1867, following the opening of trade with the West began the modern history of Japan. This fact led to the abolition of the old feudal structure and the dismantling of the warrior class: these were even prohibited from carrying swords, their symbol for excellence in public. However, the powerful charge of spiritual and symbolic figure of the warrior and his sword, which had deeply affected and influenced the fate of ancient Japan, however, remained unsettled in the fabric of modern Japan, manifesting itself firmly in both the martial arts in the streets. The same Japanese art, inspired in large part to the figure of the feudal warrior, survived by a decision to this social and cultural revolution, becoming famous throughout the world.tattoo designtattoo designtattoo design

The art form from Japan ranks among the most popular is definitely the Shodo, the way of calligraphy, which dates back thousands of years ago. The first findings date back to the Chinese pictographic writing of the eighteenth century BC: the man, the sun, moon and similar elements, were in fact played through elementary symbols on smooth surfaces, in most cases, scapular bones of animals. They had a sacred function: it served as oracles of the priests to predict the future.
With ladinastia CHIN, who ruled China in the third century BC, the engravings calligraphy became part of life is common to record the proceedings of the imperial court. At a minister of the imperial court named Li Ssu, was then given the task of standardizing characters, meanings and construction techniques.
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However, the first real diffusion of pictographic writing is due to the Confucian philosophy and the consequent demand for written texts by the masses, the "four treasures" made sure that happened was the paper, ink, stone and finally the ink brush. The latter, in the hands of talented people soon became the glue between art and writing.

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This form of calligraphy was then introduced into Japan around 600 AD and even in this case, the impetus was given by a spiritual motivation. Buddhism was in fact widespread throughout Japan and the need to give access to this thought became the driving force of calligraphy. With the intent to transfer paper phonetic elements of the Japanese language, two centuries later, was then encoded the Kana alphabet, by which it was written "The Story of Genji" the first novel in the world.

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Favorite Gecko Tattoo Design

The gecko is a small lizard that is experiencing a great fortune in the tattoo world. Perhaps because of its undeniable charm and because you let tame, perhaps because it is one of the most common animals in the tribal tattoos of the Polynesian Islands, now hugely popular in the West, or perhaps because the gecko is considered a symbol of good luck everywhere.
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Like all lizards, when attacked by an enemy, the gecko can lose its tail to escape danger, and it can grow a new one for this reason, it symbolizes rebirth and good fortune. In many cultures, the gecko is commonly played on necklaces, pendants or jewelry, printed fabric, woven from the designs of the carpets. In Indonesia it is a symbol of honesty and craftsmen carve the wood, batik painting it in style with intricate and colorful decoration. It is still a symbol of luck for the people of Hawaii and Maui in particular, has chosen as the emblem of the island itself, so that a green gecko appears on shirts, hats and all sorts of souvenirs.
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Very popular as a pet, the gecko in captivity are welcomed into a terrarium, but even when he lives in freedom remains close to human habitations. The common house gecko, the name under which should be a number of species, living close to homes and is not removed, because it feeds on insects such as flies and pesky mosquitoes. A quality that makes it unique among lizards is that it has a "voice ": hissing sounds to communicate with others of his kind, and when they are hungry emits a particular sound - ge ge-ko-ko - from which it derives its own name.
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Geckos belong to the large family Gekkonidae, a group of small reptiles closely related to lizards and harmless to humans. They live in hot environments around the world, from the Mediterranean to the Americas, the Polynesian islands. The species are over 60, copy the smallest (3 inches) to the largest (about 30 cm). The legs of the gecko has always attracted attention, because they adhere to a variety of surfaces, even glass.
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gecko's foot has special bristles that allow him to walk on the ceiling of the houses and climb up smooth vertical surfaces, on which can run at a speed of one meter per second, or to hang with one leg. The gecko can also withstand a strong drive, including several pounds over his weight. Science is studying for a long time his incredible ability to stick to any surface: the projects in the pipeline is a super glue and a robot that can run on walls and ceilings, and more companies are becoming involved in these disparate Search: NASA to Nike, the shoe that has a project of the future (which will walk upside down).
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beloved presence to be seen in gardens, along walls and hedges, and all cultures around the world, granting it powers of protection and healing. In the Mediterranean gecko lizards and are a symbol of tenacity. In Africa the animals, as with zoomorphic masks, have the power to make "the invisible visible", and the lizard is a symbol of resurrection for the African people of the Akan is a symbol of peace. Among the Native Americans and all the gecko lizards are usually a symbol of good luck and good fortune are also an emblem of conservation and agility, take united in love and protect the dreamers.

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